Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lets get pregnant

10 April 2007

The meeting with FS goes well. I tell him I am ready I want to have a baby. He advises me that I have not been immunized against Rubella and need to do so first.

Thereafter I need to wait six weeks till Aunt Flow arrives. On the first day that I start, I must phone him so that he can prescribe the fertility drugs.

I leave his office very happy as I am so close. I can finally tell people that I am trying to fall pregnant. I have often wondered why they say fall pregnant? Where did the expression come from? I also need to choose my sperm.

I go to the sperm bank and meet M - she sits me down and describes the process. She asks me what I am looking for in a man. I tell her that he must be tall. Mmm, she says that eliminates PE guys. So we move onto the spreadsheet of Cape Town and JHB canidates.

She highlights the tall men. Hair colour, eye colour, weight etc are all factors to consider. And then I notice him. The only blonde haired and blue eyed man. Number 3041. The father of my unborn child. Its perfect. I am blonde and wanted my child to match me as best as possible. M advises me that I also need to keep her informed when AF arrives as she needs to order my spermies.

The weeks cannot go past fast enough and finally there she is AF. Yay!!! The date: 19 May 2008

I phone the FS and he tells me to come and collect my meds. I am prescribed Clomid and Meonpur shots. I google reading about all the side effects of the meds and one of the side effects is multile births. But I need the meds in order to stimulate the production of more eggs. The more eggs the better my chances of falling pregnant - that the one spermie meets one egg.
I drink Clomid on days 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 and have the Menopur shots on days 5, 7 & 9. The Sister at the fertility clinic shows me how to administer the injections which I need to inject into my stomach.

I am now referred to the gynae that will do my insemination. I meet him for the first time and he asks me if I am ready. I tell him yes and he advises me when I need to come back for a scan so that he can monitor to see the number of follicles I have produced.

The days stretch by. Bt eventually I am by day 7 and soon its day 10 26 May time to check on the follies.

I am so disappointed. My follicles are not big enough. The gynae orders more blood tests and I am told to come back the next day.

I leave with a heavy heart and start crying. I am so upset by the time I get back to work. If my follicles do not grow overnight, we will halt the process and start again the following month. All I can think of is that I want to at least have a shot at being able to fall pregnant. Is my body letting me down?

I tell a friend of mine and she "speaks" to my follicles telling them that they need to grow. I try visualisation techniques.

The next day I am back at the gynae and my follicles have grown.

The next day, day 12, I will be induced and ovulation will be brought on.

Well the injection was painful but the after effects was awful. I have never been a sufferer of PMS - okay so I have mood swings, but show me the women that doesnt?

The pain is unbearable so much so that I have to drink painkillers. Whippee, Panados (the safest medication and only meds a preggie lady can use).

But its all part of the process.

The gynae advises me that I wil be inseminated tomorrow (day 13) as well as on day 14.

At this stage I have advised M at the sperm bank to order my sperm. I immediately tell her that insemination will be on day 13 and my sperm will be "washed" in the morning, a process which takes an hour.

My best friend at the time would come along with me and be there when I was inseminated. I could hardly wait.


  1. I love the way you write! And your story is sooooo similar to mine - it's as if I am almost reliving my journey!

  2. Hey Eve, maybe we must consider writing a book together.
