Monday, September 28, 2009

And its a ...

Okay so I am due to have my blood test on the Wednesday but by the Monday I just cannot contain myself any longer. I know that I could be letting myself in for a great disappointment but on the other hand...

So I buy a test at the chemist. I go into the toilet and I pee on the stick. And I wait. When I look again, a see that faint second line!!! On my word!!! Can this really be? So I buy a second test the afternoon and I check again. This time its clearer. There is a second line!!!

The next day I buy a third test (yes, I still have my doubts) and the line is even more distinct. Okay, so I am pregnant. On the Wednesday I can hardly contain myself and go and have my blood test. I wait for the call and recognise my gynae's office number by the caller ID. This is it! Congratulations, says the Sister. You are pregnant. She tells me that I need to see the gynae at six weeks and I make an appointment.

The difference this time is that I only share my news with a select few. I will break my good news on Christmas Day I decide when I am a few days short of 12 weeks.

Its great to be pregnant but as any pregnant women will tell you now the worrying starts. Every ache or pain could be the all to familar- it's over. A few days later I wake in the early hours with the aches and pains. I phone one of the few friends I have decided to tell and she fetches me to take me to hospital. I am so fearful. I tell the doctor on call that I am pregnant and inform him about my history. Judging by my urine sample its a UTI (urinary tract infection) but as a precaution suggests I see my gynae. Fortunately my gynae is an early riser and its now 6:00am. I go to his surgery and see him. He does a scan and I get my first picture of my baby (he or she is but a mere sac). There is a baby and that is all confirmation that I need. I am pregnant and my pregnancy is going to be just fine. With my first pregnancy I did not even get a picture so immediately I am reassured that this pregnancy will be different. And that is good. I leave his surgery happy and content. I am due to see him at six weeks to check for the heartbeat.

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